About Us

Synergy of One

Our board of directors comprises experienced professionals from diverse backgrounds, all sharing a common goal of driving positive change in Nigeria.

Who We Are

Save Nigeria Group USA Inc is a registered nonprofit organization based in the United States. We are dedicated to making a meaningful impact in Nigeria by facilitating and advancing education, healthcare, and democracy. Our team consists of passionate individuals who believe in the transformative power of these pillars for national development and the well-being of Nigerians.

What We Do

Through our programs and initiatives, we work to create sustainable solutions and empower Nigerians. We collaborate with local partners, stakeholders, and government institutions to implement projects that foster educational opportunities, improve healthcare accessibility, and promote democratic engagement.

The New Nigeria Project

Save Nigeria Group USA Inc is a United States Registered Nonprofit, created to galvanize support for the New Nigeria Project. We realize that the political landscape is tensed at the moment but we are looking forward to engaging the Nigerian Diaspora in active participation and support for Nigerians here in the United States and back home in Nigeria for the long-term, far beyond a single electioneering circle, through support for good governance, educational advancement, and health care delivery to citizens of Nigeria home and abroad. We at Save Nigeria Group USA are ordinary individuals making great strides in America and have decided to come together to support the New Nigeria Project.